art haus berlin

@ takt residency, Friedrichshain (
An artist residency. Bunch of complete strangers living together in Berlin making art.

Friday, 2 August 2013

art: The Circle Show @Urban Spree

Urban Spree has the vision of a contemporary arts institution with the raw, sharp edge of Berlin's street kids. These days curatorship focuses on extending beyond what's hanging on the gallery wall. Museums team up with public programs, scheming towards offering an 'audience experience', followed by world domination.

Down some steps from Warschauer Strasse, Urban Spree sprawls out like spilt ketchup on the sidewalk. A large playground of dirt, art, beer, burgers, and dj's; framed with fencing and graffiti. The art is fresh, the parties run late.

On exhibition: The Circle Show. At face-value: give them a circle, see what you get back. Sure, we could overthink each artist's take on the circle with deep, probing observations and theorise a psychological analysis of the artists' childhood fears and dreams. But the show is less about the circle's geometry. This is more than a gallery's wall or a blank circular canvas. It's a bubble of people sharing bubbly beer. These artists are here, now, and all over the world. That big, big planet-circle.

ps- Today's the last day

The Circle Show. July 13 - August 2 (12:00-18:30)
Urban Spree. Corner Revaler Str. + Warschauer Str. 10245 Berlin.